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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Call The Fashion Police (part.V)

Hello! Hello!
The Fashion Police post is back, so instead of one Bad Dress I got 3!
Let me now what you think!

 We really hate this Micheal Kors Resort 2012 dress on Nikki Reed. She looked much better in neon Jenni Kayne Resort 2012 dress for  The 2011 Wired Store Launch Party, I hate also the Jacket on the dress!

Bad hair, bad colors, bad socks, bad look, bad Bip Ling. Without words!

We usually love Jamie Chung's looks, but the socks shortened her legs and the boots are ill-matched.

They all Have Coats on! They Must Be cold!

I think its Hard to Mix&Match a Outfit or Look!

Have a Great Day!

(I´M BACK) "My November Ranking"

Hello Everyone!
How you all doing?
Finally I am back, sorry for silence! I have been super bussy and I had Flu and Fever one after the other and loads of work at work and outside work (I was asked to go shopping with few guys to update their wardrobe)

So now I am on track!

Here is my Top 10 Post:

Call The Fashion Police (part.IV)
Next Post!

Hope you Like it!
And I wanna Thank you all for Following, Reading and
Visiting my Blog!

Big Hug to you all and Thank You!

P.S I will reply to all E-mails soon!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Call The Fashion Police (part.IV)

Hello Peeps!
How´s the week going? The weekend is nearly here!
So this week Pic for Fashion Police left me without words! See it for yourself!

I really don´t know what can I say about it! I don´t know if Megan Fox was trying to go comfy, but that comfy look is really bad. Megan fox was dress like that, making her way to a auditions for the new Kevin and Perry Movie. I am felt without words!
And waht she got on her feets!!!?

So do you guys like her outfit? Do you think is a great comfy look or Audition Look?

Thanks for reading!
Remember weekend is coming!
Big Hug


Monday, 7 November 2011

And the Winner of the Giveaway is.....

Hello Everyone!
So finally I will let you all know who is the winner of My Casio Giveaway (Thank you Giveaway)
Here is the list:

  1. Cláudio 
  2. Daniel José Cabrera Castro 
  3. Mona 
  4. Oliver 
  5. Isabel Márquez 
  6. Carolina 
  7. Roberta Tonelli 
  8. Damar Rivillo 
  9. Jel 
  10. M.E. 
  11. SugarandSpice 
  12. Isa 
  13. Juliano Dias 
  14. Christian Ortiz 
  15. Christ boylondon J 
  16. Mary 
  17. Maria Chiara Liuzzi 
  18. Beatrice 
  19. Elsa Gervasi 
  20. Armel Madsen 
  21. Yvette Rivas 
  22. Marta 
  23. Gabriela Poletti 
  24. Ritra Mestre 
  25. Gemeladas 
  26. Antonio Cerro 
  27. Javito 
  28. Sayurilala 
  29. Laura 
  30. Probar productos en casa
  31. Maite 
  32. Pablo 
  34. Vicky MB 
  35. Mamen 
  36. I Wanna Be Fierce 
  37. Liry 
  38. Maren Anita 
  39. Patricia 

Thanks to everyone who took part!
And the Winner is:

       Pablo (Number 32) from Pvalshow Blog


Thanks one more time to everyome who took part!
Big Hug to you all!
Have a Fab week!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Winter is Here!

Hey Peeps!
How was the weekend!!!?

So finally a outfit post! it has been a while since my last outfit post! 

This is one of my day to day outfit, I will call it easy outfit!
A basic jersey with my Bordeaux pants  and Boots!

I always try to keep my outfits simple! Most of them!
The simple the better!

So what do you guys think?

T-Shirt: Pull&Bear
Jersey: Pull&Bear
Pants: Pull&Bear
Belt: H&M
Boots: Pull&Bear

Yes! I am a big fan of Pull&Bear!

Thanks to you all!
Hope you like it....

The Winner of my Giveaway will be announce on Tuesday (8th of November) You still have time to take part! (til today 6th of November 23:59H spainish time)
ANd make sure you Like my Facebook Page Thanks!

Big hug to you all!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

My October Ranking...

Hello Everyone!
Back again (second post today). So Like every end of the month I do a List of my top view posts from last month!
So here you go.

Top 10 Post:

Inspired by Street Style

Hope You all Like it! And I also wanna give a 
big thanks to The Chic Mode for her Award to 

And Also to a Big THANK YOU to all my 
followers and to every One that Takes time 
reading my Blog!
BIg hug to you all!!

Have a great end of week!

Call The Fashion Police (part.III)

Hello Peeps!
How you all doing? Hows the week going?

Hopefully by tomorrow I will have a Outfit post... (It will be my first Fall Look post)

So this week I have another Pic, lets say another Celebrity, but I think this one is the worst!
This is 
Sean 'P. Diddy', He gives a homeless man twenty dollars as he leaves Il Pastaio restaurant in Beverly Hills (coz he knows about his big mistake) . My question is did he go to the restaurant dress like that? Whats even worst he is wearing sandals with socks! Yeah! Sandals with Sock! 

 I man that has his own Empire and his Clothes line, couldn´t go out dress like that! 
I may say No to the SANDALS, No to the SOCKs TOGETHER! (I least it wasnt a white pair of socks!)

What do you guys think?

I wanna add something to, Could he got a better Sandals???
Will you go out Like that?????

Have a great week! The weekend is nearly here!
Take care and Thanks for reading!

I have a 
Facebook Page! 

And pleas Vote for me at the Blogger Comp Thanks!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Inspired by Street Style

Hello Peeps!
I know I have been away lately, but I have been so bussy with work and don´t even have time for myself! Hopefully this week I will give it 90% of my time to the Blog!

Remember you cans still take part on my Giveaway

Alright, so yesterday I found myself flipping through a couple of magazines, you know just checking up, peeping the styles, etc etc. And, well, after awhile I found myself totally uninspired. And the more I thought about it, the more it annoyed. So I decided that we were past due for a nice, Mr Kane  street style. I had a folder of looks I had been collecting from  sites around the net, buuuut somehow I can't find it… So I spent a little time collecting new ones (hopefully I'll find the other photos soon). Check it out:


There are lots of different looks in men's fashion and style these days, and in the streets, men's styles and trends continue to stay steady for the moment (which should make retailers happy). Denim on denim, cuffed pants, rugged boots and workwear inspiration , harem pants, and a nice mix of fit– from super skinny to double pleated and wide leg. Hard-bottoms galore, barely a sneaker in sight, navys, blacks, tans, and prep with splashes of color here and there. The differences I find that subtly or grossly stand out are the collars– on shirts and jackets. And not just how the collars are designed, but how they are worn. That's something to be cognizant of– do you button up your shirt all the way, or do you leave a button or two open. Do you fully zip your cowl-neck jacket or let it hang open? Do you pull the strings attached to your coat to create that crinkled look on the hood or neck, or do you leave it straight and perfectly neat? These small things can make a big difference.
Hope these photos provide a source of inspiration, and feel free to email us your personal street style photos:
Photos: The Sartorialist, Black Fashion, Tommy Tom (for GQ), Street Peeper, Dam Style, Le Look, Stylelites, PimPumPam, Hel-Looks and Google.
Hope You Like it!
Have a great week!

P.S. Please vote for me at: Blogger Comp. Please! 